Our Education


If you think your child is a saint

We Need to Talk

No children are perfect – but St. Paul’s helps our students develop the qualities that make parents proud. They’re kind. Curious. Compassionate. And they really, truly care about being their best. It’s no wonder we graduate some of Mobile’s most nationally recognized scholars, artists, and student athletes!
Our counseling program is an integral part of how we care for, shape, and encourage our students to be their best while also helping them develop empathy, set high standards, and become resilient young men and women ready to face life’s challenges head on. Starting with “Halo Habits” in Lower School, continuing with the national-recognized Olweus Program in Middle School, and culminating with academic advising and socioemotional counseling in Upper School, our dedicated, professional, and experienced counseling staff works tirelessly on behalf of our students. They’ve even created a “quiet room” where students (and staff!) can take a few moments’ break from the stresses of the world, listen to a soothing fountain, breathe in aromatherapy, and relax in a soothing massage chair.

Counseling Programs

List of 5 items.

  • Advising Program: Grades 9-12

    It is important for all students to make a connection with a caring adult here at St. Paul's. Every student in high school is paired with an advisor (teacher/ coach/ administrator) for their entire high school career. The groups meet once a month to discuss planned topics of interest or concern.
  • Halo Habits: PreK-4

    Halo Habits is St. Paul’s unique character education program for grades Pre-K thru 4th grade. Our counselor, Mrs. Boteler, visits each class to discuss the monthly character trait. An information sheet is given to each teacher with quotes, activities, and related picture books to be used to reinforce the monthly character trait. Postcards and stickers are given to students who are “Caught using their Halo Habit”
  • Mr. Pickle: PreK-K

    Character is what a person is on the inside. At St. Paul’s Lower School, we want all students to be the very best “characters” they can be. PK and Kindergarten students participate in character education during their regularly scheduled library time each week. We use a program called “Mr. Pickle”. This program encourages the children to be “sweet pickles” rather than “sour pickles”. Each month we focus on a different character trait. These traits include “The Golden Rule,” manners, tattling, sharing, honesty, friendship, kindness, and making good choices.
  • Olweus, Bullying Prevention Program: Grades K-8

    The Olweus Program (pronounced Ol-VAY-us) is a comprehensive approach that includes schoolwide, classroom, individual, and community components. The program is focused on long-term change that creates a safe and positive school climate. It is designed and evaluated for use in elementary, middle, junior high and high schools (K-12). The program’s goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among schoolchildren and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among children, improve the social climate of classrooms, and reduce related antisocial behaviors, such as vandalism and truancy. The Olweus Program has been implemented in more than a dozen countries around the world, and in thousands of schools in the United States.
  • Parent Resource Library

    Raising your child is the most important thing that you will ever do.  While it is profoundly rewarding and provides us some of the most joyous moments in our lives, there are also times when parenting can seem overwhelming - when our child is struggling in school, is experiencing friendship issues, or our family has suffered a loss or divorce, we often don’t know the best way to help our children through.  Please know that we are here to help!  The Counseling Office at St. Paul’s is only a phone call away, and we are always available to provide guidance in helping your child through tough times or just to help him or her thrive.  Over the years, we have also built up a terrific parenting resource library; if you’d like to check out a book on a particular parenting topic, please give us a call and we’d be delighted to share our resources with you.  If you have read a book which you have found valuable and don’t see it on this list, let us know and we will add it to the library.  We also gratefully accept any donations which you’d like to make to help us grow our library even further!
    Allow Your Children to Fail if You Want Them to Succeed - Avril Beckford
    Alone Together - Sherry Turkle
    The Art of Condolence - Leonard Zunin
    Be the Parent, Not the Pal - Amy Donaho Howell
    Because I Said So! - John Rosemond
    The Blessing of a B Minus - Wendy Mogel
    The Boy Crisis - Warren Farrell & John Gray
    The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander - Barbara Colorosa
    Bullying:  Changing the Course of Your Child’s Life - William Voors
    A Child’s Book of Values - Lesley Wright
    Children and Divorce - Amy Baker
    Cyber Kids, Cyber Bullying, Cyber Balance - Barbara Trolley & Constance Hanel
    Dear Dr. Wes…Real Life Advice for Teens - Wes Crenshaw
    Deep Secrets-Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis Connection - Niobe Way
    Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life - Scott Spradlin
    Driven to Distraction - Edward Hallowell
    Getting to Calm - Laura Kastner & Jennifer Wyatt
    The Gift of Failure - Jessica Lahey
    Girl Wars:  12 Strategies That Will End Female Bullying - Cheryl Dellasega
    Healing the Hurt, Restoring the Hope - Suzy Yehl Marta
    Helping Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One - William Kroen
    Hot Stuff To Help Kids Worry Less - Jerry Wilde
    How Girls Thrive - JoAnn Deak
    How to Get Your Teen to Talk to You - Connie Grigsby & Kent Julian
    How to Survive Your Teenager - Hundreds of Heads
    How to Talk So Kids Will Listen - Adele Faber
    I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Not You - Roger Pearman
    I Will Remember You:  Grief for Teens - Laura Dower
    The Involved Parent’s 7th Grade Guide - Ellen Shrager
    Late, Lost, and Unprepared - Joyce Cooper Kahn
    Liked:  Whose Approval are You Living For? - Kari Kampakis
    Masterminds Wingmen - Rosalind Wiseman
    Mean Chicks, Cliques, and Dirty Tricks - Erika Shearin Karres
    Mindful Parenting - Kristen Race
    The Minds of Boys - Michael Gurian
    Mindset - Carol Dweck
    Mom’s House, Dad’s House - Isolina Ricci
    Nobody Told Me - Pam Stenzel
    Nurture Shock - Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman
    Odd Girl Out - Rachel Simmons
    Queen Bees & Wannabes - Rosalind Wiseman
    Parent Power - John Rosemond
    Parenting with Wit and Wisdom - Barbara Coloroso
    Please Stop Laughing at Me - Jodee Blanco
    Raising White Kids - Jennifer Harvey
    Raising Worry Free Girls - Sissy Goff
    Saving Childhood - Michael Medved
    Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls - Mary Pipher
    The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens - Sean Covey
    The Six-Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy Children - John Rosemond
    So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo
    Sticks and Stones - Emily Bazelon
    Surviving an Eating Disorder - Siegel, Brisman, Weinshel
    Too Much of a Good Thing - Dan Kindlon
    When Husband and Wife Become Mom and Dad - Elisa Morgan & Carol Kuykendall
    Who’s in Your Social Network - Pam Stenzel
    Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? - Beverly Tatum
    Why Do They Act That Way - David Walsh
    Why the Brain Can’t Hear - Teri James Bellis

Meet Our Counselors

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Christy Logan

    Ms. Christy Logan 

    School Counselor
    (251) 461-2140
  • Photo of Marian Boteler

    Mrs. Marian Boteler 

    School Counselor
    (251) 461-2165
  • Photo of Morgan Hanson

    Mrs. Morgan Hanson 

    Middle School Counselor
    (251) 461-2142


161 Dogwood Lane
Mobile, Alabama 36608
P. (251) 342-6700
F. (251) 342-1844